
Halong Bay

Halong Bay is one of the scenic wonders of the world. Here the limestone landscape meets the sea to create one of the most stunning natural wonders on earth. It is truly breathtaking.


Saigon is the bustling, pulsating economic hub of the south and the modern face of Vietnam. It is a frenzy of activity but beneath this facade lies a city of history, culture and charm.

Mekong Delta

Known as the food bowl of Vietnam, the Mekong Delta is formed by the various streams and tributaries of the mighty Mekong River that split after a 4,350km journey through six countries.

Sapa & Northern Vietnam

Sapa and northern Vietnam are some of the least visited yet most beautiful parts of Vietnam. The area is home to a number of ethnic communities and meeting them is a special experience.

Hoi An

The ancient town of Hoi An is a great place to wander around. The cobble stoned streets, historical sites and old merchant buildings will have you stepping back to another time.

Vietnamese Street Food

Vietnam is a foodie’s paradise and no trip is complete without trying their street food. Walk to some of Hanoi’s best culinary hotspots with a food blogger and taste the best street eats.

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The following information is intended as a guide only and in no way should it be used as a substitute for professional medical advice relative to a traveller's individual needs and vaccination history. No guarantee is made as to its accuracy or thoroughness. For further information, please contact The Travel Doctor.

Vaccination against Hepatitis A is recommended for travellers to Vietnam and vaccination against Typhoid should also be considered. Depending on a traveller's itinerary and activities, vaccination against Hepatitis B, Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis may also be considered. Cholera is present in Vietnam, but immunisation is usually not recommended. Care with food and beverage selection is far more important. Malaria and Dengue Fever are present in Vietnam, as such insect avoidance measures should be taken and Antimalarial drugs may be required.

Please consult a medical practitioner or contact The Travel Doctor for your specific risk to these preventable diseases and the appropriate avoidance measures. Australians travelling to Vietnam should also ensure that they have adequate travel insurance to cover the length of their stay. For further information, please visit the Smartraveller website, www.smartraveller.gov.au/zw-cgi/view/Advice/Vietnam


Electrical Plug type: European & Japanese
Voltage: 120 and 240 volts
Special Tip: As both 120 and 240 volt systems are used, always check the voltage of any socket before plugging in appliances.


The Travel Corporation has partnered with the company Sherpa to provide travellers with the latest government and health restrictions. Simply enter the country you want to travel to for information on safety regulations, border closures, quarantine requirements, your travel visa and more using the Sherpa travel tool.


Official travel advice is available by visiting the SmartTraveller Website


Polite behaviour is highly valued in Vietnamese society. One of the most important dimensions of politeness is for the young to show respect to their elders. In everyday life, younger people show this respect by using hierarchical terms of address when interacting with their seniors. Younger people should also be the first to issue the common salutation chao when meeting someone older, should always invite their seniors to begin eating before they do, ask for permission to leave the house, announce their arrival when they return, and not dominate conversations or speak in a confrontational manner with their seniors.

Vietnamese life revolves around the family and it is not uncommon for up to three generations to live together in the same house.

People of different genders, especially if they are not married or related, should not have physical contact. In general woman are expected to maintain greater decorum than men by avoiding alcohol and tobacco, speaking quietly, and dressing modestly. In many public spaces, however, people often avoid standing in queues, resulting in a chaotic  environment where people touch or press up against one another as they go about their business.

As with many other Asian societies, the concept of face is extremely important in Vietnamese society. It is important to be aware of unintentionally causing the loss of face so you need to be aware of your words and actions. Accusing someone of poor performance or reprimanding them in public will cause the loss of face. Complimenting them on their hospitality will give then face.


Country Code for Vietnam: + 84
Visa Global Assistance:  1 201-0288 // 888-710-7781
Emergency Services: Fire: 114 Police: 113 Ambulance: 115. The emergency services may not have English speaking staff. To avoid delay it may be best to seek the assistance of a Vietnamese speaker to call the emergency services.


Vietnamese people rise early and consider sleeping in to be a sure indication of illness. Offices, museums and many shops open between 7am and 8am and close between 4pm and 5pm. Post offices keep longer hours and are generally open from 6.30am to 9pm.


Generally, tipping is not expected in Vietnam, but is very much appreciated. Many Vietnamese workers do not earn much money and always appreciate the extra money to be made in tips.
Tipping is an established practice in Vietnam. The amount is entirely a personal preference, however as a guideline USD 2-3 or its local equivalent in Vietnam dong per person, per half day (more for a full day) can be used. Of course you are free to tip more or less as you see fit, depending on your perception of the service quality and the length of your trip. Porters may be given around 20.000 VND per item.
Restaurants: We suggest adding around 10,000 to 20,000 VND to your bill, depending on service; more for expensive establishments.

Getting Around

Though still a little rough around the edges, Vietnam’s transport network is continuing to improve. Most travel takes place on the roads, which are largely of decent quality surface-wise. The vehicles themselves are also pretty good, with air-conditioned coaches ferrying travellers (and an increasing number of locals) up and down Highway 1, a narrow and busy thoroughfare that runs from Hanoi to Saigon, passing through Hué, Da Nang and Nha Trang en-route. Off the main routes the vehicles are less salubrious. Trains run alongside Highway 1, and their sleeper berths are far more comfortable than buses for longer journeys. Lastly, the domestic flight network continues to evolve, and the cheap, comfortable services may save you days worth of travel by road or rail. 


The official language is Vietnamese. Other languages widely spoken include English, French, Chinese and Khmer.