
Wat Phou

The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Wat Phou is a spectacular pre-Angkorian temple built by the rulers of the Khmer Empire. The temple was built to demonstrate the Hindu interpretation of the relationship between nature and humanity.

Luang Prabang

Nestled between the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers and surrounded by jungle-clad hills, Luang Prabang, a UNESCO World Heritage-listed city, is the former royal capital of Laos and an exquisite example of cultural heritage and preservation.

Plain of Jars

The Plain of Jars is covered with mysterious jars, thought to be around 2,000 years old. Speculation as to their use has ranged from brewing and storing rice wine to being used to collect rainwater but evidence suggests they were part of prehistoric burial practices.

4000 Islands

4000 Islands or Sipandon is a section of the Mekong River that fans out into a wide labyrinth of shallow waterways and islands. This is the best area to view the endangered freshwater Irrawaddy dolphin.


Far away from the hustle and bustle of other Asian cities, charming Vientiane is one of the quietest capital cities in the world. Despite its recent growth and slick new cocktail bars and restaurants, the slow pace of the city still permeates.

Lippi Falls

The locals believe the impressive Lippi Falls, on the peaceful island of Don Khone, act as a trap for bad spirits. To allow access over the waterfalls, a railway and bridge were built - the perfect place to soak in the view.

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Country Code for Laos: +856
Visa Global Assistance: 1 303 967 1090
Emergency Services in Vientiane: Police - 191, Fire - 190, Ambulance - 195. The emergency services may not have English speaking staff. To avoid delay it may be best to seek the assistance of a Lao speaker to call the emergency services. 


Among all groups, but particularly among the ethnic Lao, a high value is placed on the avoidance of conflict and actions likely to cause emotional discomfort. Careful attention to one's place in the social hierarchy is important, with inattention or deliberate flouting of the hierarchy being a major cause of conflict.

The greeting of superiors by clasping one's hands in a prayerful motion combined with a slight bow was discouraged after the revolution, but has made a comeback in social interaction. Hierarchical interaction also involves polite forms of speech and body movements. Public body contact, especially between men and women, is avoided.


Electrical Socket: European, Japanese and USA sockets.
Voltage: 220-240 volts.
Modem Plug: USA

Getting Around

Small and mountainous, carved with strong flowing rivers and berated by annual monsoons, traveling in Laos is sure but slow. Don't be misled by the short distances shown on Google Earth -- getting around in Laos takes time, and usually, more than you may have planned. That said, while the transport network (aside from flying) is slow, it is comprehensive. So unless you're planning on visiting Hmong in the jungle around Long Tien, you should be able to get just about anywhere you want easily and affordably. 


Lao is the official language. English is commonly used in major tourist centers. French & Chinese are also spoken alongside various other ethnic languages. 


Laos is an excellent destination for anyone interested in picking up elaborate handicrafts. Hill-tribe silks, arts, crafts, home furnishings, jewelry, and couture quality textiles dominate the market. Although many of these products are available in Thailand, some of the things listed above are unique to Laos and its hill tribes. In buying traditional crafts such as silks and carvings, tourists are invariably helping to support a still-growing and fragile economy.

Times vary for shopping hours but generally, shops are open from Monday to Saturday 8am-5pm with private shops open longer hours. Some also open on Sunday.


Tipping has become a more established practice in Laos in recent years. As a guideline LAK20,000-30,000 or its local currency equivalent per person, per half day (more for a full day) can be used – but this is entirely a personal decision. Of course, you are free to tip more or less as you see fit, depending on your perception of the service quality and the length of your trip. Porters may be given around LAK8000 per item.
Restaurants: We suggest adding around LAK8000 to your bill, depending on service; more for expensive establishments.

Travel Restrictions

The Travel Corporation has partnered with the company Sherpa to provide travellers with the latest government and health restrictions. Simply enter the country you want to travel to for information on safety regulations, border closures, quarantine requirements, your travel visa and more using the Sherpa travel tool.


Official travel advice is available by visiting the Travel.State.Gov website